Put your excess funds to work and maximize your returns
Idle cash means untapped potential. Our liquidity management services make sure your funds are there when you need them—while ensuring excess funds are working to generate higher returns.
Insured Cash Sweep® (ICS)
Secure large deposits in FDIC-insured, interest-earning accounts while still maintaining access to your funds. ICS funds can be placed in demand deposit accounts, money market deposit accounts, or both, depending on your preference.
Investment Sweep
Begin earning competitive returns immediately by automatically transferring excess funds to an investment account each night. Because balances are fully liquid, you pull out cash whenever you need it. You set a target balance for your account and we'll take care of the rest.
Line of Credit Sweep
Use excess funds to automatically pay down loan balances and reduce monthly interest. If your account balance falls below your targeted level, we automatically transfer funds from your line of credit back into your account.
Money Markets/CDs
Preserve flexibility by investing in highly liquid money markets and certificates of deposit (CDs). Due to money markets and CDs being one of the least volatile investment options, they offer stability, security, liquidity, and potential tax advantages—all while earning you interest.
Zero Balance Accounts
Zero Balance Accounts are designed to help eliminate manual transfers, reduce idle cash, and prevent overdrafts. Maintain subsidiary accounts, such as a payroll account, at a zero balance while concentrating funds in your operating account for disbursements or investments. Enjoy automatic fund transfers between accounts based on your balance and preferences.
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When it comes to effectively managing working capital, the best results start with you. From analyzing your business’ payables and receivables to managing liquidity, the better we understand your business goals the better we can tailor programs to meet and exceed your specific needs.
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